1. 占成人乳头状癌的1-3%, 在年轻患者和有电离辐射暴露史的患者中更为常见;
2. 几乎全部由实性、梁状或巢状结构构成;
3. 具有乳头状癌的核特征,如何增大、重叠,核型不规则,可见核沟、核内包涵体及核透明、毛玻璃核等;
4. 无坏死,核分裂像少见。
1. Wan Faiziah Wan Abdul Rahman,et al. Solid variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma in a 14-year-old girl. BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Jun 6;2013:bcr2013010001
2. Troncone G, et al. Cytological and molecular diagnosis of solid variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma: a case report Cytojournal. 2008 Mar 19;5:2. doi: 10.1186/1742-6413-5-2.