1. 多见于胃中段1/3,发病年龄较轻,大体多表现为凹陷型,最大特点是腺体结构异常显著,细胞异型非常小;
2. 低倍镜下表现为上皮增殖带不规则的腺体融合、腺体不规则分支、腺体囊性扩张;
3. 腺管密度低,腺体轮廓不规则,被形容为"WHYX"字母形态,不规则融合的腺体是重要的线索;
4. 以峡部、颈部水平为中心发展,与表面上皮相延续,表面上皮可有成熟现象,肿瘤的界限难以确定;
5. 细胞异型不明显,细胞核位于细胞底部,胞质嗜酸性,囊性扩张的腺体被覆上皮可以立方或扁平;
6. 有时可见印戒细胞;
1. Fujita Y, et al. Analysis of clinicopathological and molecular features of crawling-type gastricadenocarcinoma.Diagn Pathol. 2020 Sep 17;15(1):111. doi: 10.1186/s13000-020-01026-7
2. Okamoto N, Kawachi H, Yoshida T,et al. "Crawling-type" adenocarcinoma of the stomach: a distinct entity preceding poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma.Gastric Cancer. 2013 Apr;16(2):220-32. doi: 10.1007/s10120-012-0173-2.
3. Okamoto N, Kawachi H, Yoshida T, Kitagaki K, Sekine M, Kojima K, et al. “Crawling-type” adenocarcinoma of the stomach: a distinct entity preceding poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Gastric Cancer. 2013;16:220–232. doi: 10.1007/s10120-012-0173-2.